Legally, everything received by the Teaching & Sharing Centers belongs to the corporation. But, in truth, all things belong to God, including the T&SC. Therefore, finances are, and will continue to be, handled seeking God's constant instruction on how to use the resources we receive.

We will make the needs of the ministry & missions known, but will not "push" or "pressure" for contributions not even in tight times, nor to prevent termination.  It is God's decision whether we serve through these missions or elsewhere.  We will only continue as long as God provides.  We will not borrow funds for operating expenses, or mortgage existing properties or assets in order to acquire additional properties. 

Contributions will not be used to create, or to purchase, products which are intended to be sold.  We will seek to meet product financial needs through product sales.

Contributions made to the Teaching & Sharing Centers go to general expenses unless designated for a specific use.  To make a contribution exclusively designated for a particular dynamic of the T&SC, simply note your desire in remarks along with your donation.

(Note: a tithe is taken from all income and is donated to non-denominational charities helping those in need)

We consider your relationship with us to be a sacred trust.  We will not sell or rent our mailing lists, the poet's circle participant list, nor our membership lists to anyone.

(Note: email lists are maintained electronically, not locally, and are therefore as exposed as any such information.)


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