History of the poet's circle

At the beginning of 2019, the board of trustees approved a suggestion by william to return the poet's circle to its roots of being those individuals who support us either by volunteering, or through financial contributions that are not made to create a legal T&SC membership. This would enable participants in the poet's circle to be given discounts and benefits similar to membership, although remaining without the legal voting status of being a member. The historical lifetime tpc designation (see bottom of page) for early volunteers will remain so. Our mailing lists will simply become considered the T&SC mailing, or emailing, lists. Library privileges are still free to the public but, like with any library, require filling out a form requesting a library card. 


(From 2005 through 2018) With a history extending back to the late 1980s, the poet's circle was the free library privileges and emailing list for the T&SC after incorporation. All those on the tpc mailing list could utilize the library, however, just those with email addresses in our system would receive communications. Under intense financial pressure, as a cost cutting measure in 2009, the Board of Trustees decided only T&SC members had the option of receiving written communications (as opposed to email). 

When the Teaching & Sharing Center (now Teaching & Sharing Centers) became a Michigan non-profit corporation on January 1, 2005 the poet's circle made the shift (from functioning as a piece of the a touch of william sole-proprietorship) along with it. The Teaching & Sharing Centers, christian life programs, and the poet's circle, are governed by the T&SC Board of Trustees. Being on the poet's circle mailing list no longer constitutes a "membership" status, which now is fee based as the primary structure under which the corporation is filed with the state of Michigan.

The below history is what was written in newsletters and on the website prior to incorporation.

"Occasionally I will have a long time member of the poet's circle ask me if they are still a member in good standing. The question usually refers to whether their 'dues' is paid up. I smile and say yes (because there is no dues). Your support of what I do is totally voluntary. Adding your name to (being a member of) the poet's circle simply means you are interested enough in what I do here and/or elsewhere to wish to keep connected and informed by mail or email."

tpc-TEC is the Internet version of the poet's circle mailing list I maintain at the Center. If you would like to remain connected, you do need to ask me to add your email address to the list. When a poet's circle (tpc) communication has been sent, you will be sent the item by email, or be notified it has been added to the website (such as with my newsletter). You also receive website updates informing you when new items have been added or existing items significantly changed on the site. Because of the cost factor, more communication takes place by email than by regular mail, so if you have an email address, I encourage you to utilize the tpc-TEC option.

Locally: the poet's circle

the poet's circle membership is the official mailing and library privileges lists for a touch of william. Membership is given to anyone who requests it for at least twelve months. It will be continuously renewed if you are making any financial, volunteer, or material contributions less than twelve months apart. I interpret involvement or contributions to be a show of an ongoing interest in a touch of william (and its missions). Otherwise, you are simply asked to acknowledge your desire to remain on the lists (a member) by stating so on a periodic renewal card. This way I know I am sending newsletters and notices to those who want them.

Benefits of being a member include borrowing privileges for the Lending Library and Studio Collections Library, discounted prices at Cherokee Bill's Trade Center, the (occasional) newsletter wsharing, and creating your own poetry & pictures books free from my inventory.

"Freely you have received, freely give. Provide neither gold nor silver nor copper in your money belts, nor bag for your journey, nor two tunics, nor sandals, nor staffs; for a worker is worthy of his food."

Matthew 10:8-10 NKJV


". . . spiritual truth should never be sold . . .

. . . One who has it would not be selling it,     
     so one who is selling it doesn’t have it . . . "

- Peace Pilgrim 

The above two quotes have had a major influence on what and how I do things at the Center. Other than Cherokee Bill's Trade Center (CBTC) and bookstore products, most of what is available, or done, is offered at no cost. Your financial support is therefore not only greatly appreciated, but essential to the continuation of my work. 

(from my newsletter #008, July 1997) Other than the poetry and photography of mine, the poet’s circle is probably the oldest aspect of a touch of william. When I first took my poetry and photography public at Ledge Craft Lane in Grand Ledge (probably about 8-10 years ago in the mid 1980s) I quickly found having a booth too much to handle along with running my insurance business, and the turmoil which was occurring in my life around then. So I closed it. A year or so later I was being encouraged to re-establish in another booth there. It was then that I approached some individuals to see if they would be willing to volunteer to cover the required hours, since I was not in a financial position to hire, nor in a time position to cover the hours myself at the arts & crafts co-op (Ledge Craft). That was one of the conditions I gave myself before I would commit to the rent, materials, and set-up. Those that volunteered to help, I designated as members of the poet’s circle. I was the poet, and they were the circle of helpers around the poet which allowed it to happen. That was about 1990 or 1991, I believe. The reason for creating it at all was to acknowledge and identify helpers so I could give some sort of benefit to them in return for their help. This came in the form of discounts initially. And free stuff, when I could. Along the way, others were willing to help out financially, who couldn’t give of their time, and they also became members. Eventually, I needed to close that booth too. But, the poet’s circle sort of stuck. When I started to develop the lending library, those who had been members were automatically given access to the materials. As the Center started to take shape (after having felt the call to leave my career) the poet’s circle survived as the main mechanism for checking items out of the library, and for identifying and giving recognition to those who helped the developing array of aspects to a touch of william. In the past three years [1995-1997] the poet’s circle has been tinkered with and tested in a variety of fashions. I have even questioned whether it’s too trendy now that everything seems to have a "club" or a "card" which somehow connects you to it, or provides benefits. But, it’s kind of like an old friend who’s been there with you through tough times. So I guess it is here to stay. Besides, those original helpers were given Lifetime Member status when a touch of william began the transition from poetry and pictures to more ministry like activities. It was my way of saying a special thanks for supporting my work before there was any clear indication of a "path." I guess that means as long as they are around and I am around, the poet’s circle will be too.


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